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It is because of your donations we have been able to help so many people and organizations. 

Keep up The Good Fight!

TGF teams up with Fight for the Forgotten Uganda Mission

We would like to thank everyone for the donations and helping bring awareness to the water crisis in Uganda. It is because of you that we were able to accomplish so much with the Fight for The Forgotten Team! We exceeded our goal of not only new water wells, but we purchased 43.21 acres and a solar powered water well as well as several hand dug wells creating a more self-sustainable living enviornment for the Batwa Pygmy Tribe. Without your help, none of this would be possible! Together, we are bettering the lives of so many. 

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Thanks to everyone who donated and volunteered their time to come out and help with the Thanksgiving Food Drive. We were able to reach our goal by providing meals to the surrounding shelters in Acadiana. Special Thanks to Dean-Os Lafayette for opening up their kitchen and allowing us to prepare all of the meals. We could not have done this without you!

School Supply Drive

We would like to thank everyone who donated and volunteered their time in helping with the school supply drive! We successfully met our goal of providing 500 backpacks filled with the necessary school supplies as well as, stocking a teacher's classroom at Acadian Middle School! This would not have been possible without everyone's support! We look forward to announcing our next goal!